Specialty Freight
Special services are what we do best. Your emergency is our specialty.
Same and Next Day Delivery
Expedited Freight is what Gray Trucking is known for. We offer expedite service to the lower 48 states as well as next day or same day service to locations within a 150 mile radius of our Beverly, New Jersey terminal. We also offer Saturday and Sunday delivery as well as late evening Service.
Lift Gate & Inside Delivery
We have a number of Lift Gate trucks that allow us to provide street level delivery. We even offer inside delivery as one of our services. Our Rail Gate trucks can accommodate street level delivery for goods weighing up to 4,000 pounds.
Hazardous Materials
Gray trucking is fully HAZMAT certified. We are authorized to transport flammables, corrosives, oxidizers, poisons and other dangerous materials. We always put the safety of our employees, drivers and the public before any thing else. We handle all dangerous shipments by the book every time. No exceptions.
Dedicated Trucking
In some instances, companies will purchase their own trucks and hire their own drivers. Most of the time this means they must pay the cost of an employee’s salary, payroll taxes, health Insurance, fuel, permits and equipment maintenance. In addition to these costs they will also be diving empty trucks back to their originating base at no benefit to their bottom line. Gray Trucking can provide a dedicated truck and driver for these specific businesses who have a small but frequent volume of shipments but can’t afford to hire a driver. The truck will be stationed at your facility and our driver will be at you beck and call
Plant Relocation and Warehouse Moving
Are you relocating your operation or warehouse? Relocation can be a very dicey situation. It is critical to expedite a relocation project in order to minimize downtime and supply chain disruption. Gray Trucking has the equipment and manpower to expedite large-scale plant and warehouse relocations any time of day or night. We can perform your relocation on a weekend or we can work through the night on a weekday to make your transition seamless.